Our Customers

Customer Testimonials

"Yeeld have been fantastic partners on this journey by providing key insights, knowledge, and knowhow to leverage Stripe’s functionality and customize it to our Platform. Where our team lacked knowledge, they have come in and brought stability in filling these key gaps by working one-on-one with our team, as well as providing valuable workshops, process maps, project plans, and valuable recommendations to our product and operations teams. This has greatly contributed to our ability to make significant traction on our delivery timeline. I truly feel that we have received the white gloves treatment all customers should be privy to! "
Eric Cicero
Digital Product Manager, Progress Residential
"We reached out to Yeeld to leverage their in-depth knowledge on chargeback management and broad expertise on the Stripe platform. We immediately saw results as Yeeld enabled our platform to automatically refund high-risk payments and alert us on early fraud warnings. As a result, we have been able to lower our dispute rate to comfortable levels and reduce the level of stress across the team around rising dispute rates. We were novices when it came to handling payments before consulting with Yeeld, but now consider ourselves well informed. We highly recommend the Yeeld team to anyone getting started on Stripe and face similar challenges to us. Their impressive expertise across all aspects of Stripe deserves accolades and can really bring comfort to a founding team just getting their platform off the ground."
Mason Kennedy
Co-Founder, Cramly.ai
"We’re using the Stripe Connect Express product to accept and payout donations to our nonprofit partners. Using the connect product allows us to process 1000’s of donations through our app and then automatically disburse them to our nonprofit partners. As Stripe has expanded its product offerings, it has become increasingly difficult to grasp the nuances of each product and how it can affect business operations. It can feel like a bit of a black box and Yeeld really helps unpackage it. Thanks to their deep understanding of Stripe's inner workings, Yeeld can quickly analyze and provide guidance on the available options. Their expertise also extends to implementation, allowing our engineers to successfully integrate Connect Express in a matter of weeks."
Forrest Skerman-Stevenson
Co-Founder, Makua

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